Clarksville Chapter meeting will be held on 11 September 2021, 10:30 thru 12:00, at the Montgomery County Public Library, at 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville, TN 37040. Terry Smith will be linked to this meeting by ZOOM to answer any questions that needs to answered.
September 2021 Meeting
Other Publications-Media
Nashville Chapter Agenda August 18, 2018
Dear friends! Our next chapter meeting is a couple of days away! Please join us Saturday at 10:30am at 5501 Edmonson Pike at the library for an informative, educational, fun,and uplifting program. We welcome special guests Becky Rio from TRC and Johnny Neel for an interview. Please see the agenda below. If there is anything that you would like for me to add, please reach out to me.
Nashville Chapter Agenda April 20, 2019
Please note: While the best experience you will have is by attending our meetings in person, we understand that sometimes due to illness, business, transportation barriers that attending in person is not always possible. Thus, we want to provide alternatives so that you can still join us and participate with either our chapter meeting line or Facebook Live Feed. Here are the details: